International Clown Convention

 Hundreds of clowns from Mexico and Latin America gathered in Mexico City.

"We clowns aren't thugs or killers. We reject violence because we are peace lovers and responsible for spreading joy and happiness," Llantin the Clown, one of the convention's organizers.

The New 52 Joker Mask

The mask is designed by the team at Cinema Makeup School. Check out the video below.

Troy Baker reading Joker's monologue from "The Killing Joke"

Snippet from Batman: Arkham Origins New York Comic-Con 2013 Panel - Troy Baker recites the Joker's monologue from Alan Moore's graphic novel "Batman: The Killing Joke"

Fan Film Joker Rising ( Full Movie)

Alek Gearhart and co-writer Manuel Eduardo Ramirez have a fan film. Joker Rising, the not-for-profit film (so that’ll probably keep DC off their backs) was directed by Gearheart and stars Dylan Hobbs, Katie Young, and Manuel Eduardo Ramierez as Croc.

The Joker Life-Size Bust

They’ve brought shocking depth and realism to the criminal mastermind’s chillingly maniacal grin and gleeful gaze with a meticulous paint application, glossy acrylic eyes and lifelike teeth. The Joker Life-Size Bust presents Gotham City’s raving lunatic in all his glory, truly an impressive and imposing addition to any collection!

The Joker Life-Size Bust will be priced at $699.99, with payment plans available for as low as $105.00/month. Keep an eye on the Sideshow Newsletter this Thursday, October 3 for pre-order availability and information!